New year, new site, new goals
Welcome to my website! This is my first post and I could not be more excited about what's ahead! This site was born out of my desire for a place to share anything I create. In addition, a friend of mine gave me the push of encouragement I needed to actually get it up and running. I anticipate that most of what I share will be in the form of poems, stories, life lessons; but it could also take the form of paintings, drawings, blackout poetry (one of my favorite creative outlets), or even recipes. This site represents the next step in my journey as a writer and as someone who runs to creative expression as an outlet for my thoughts, emotions, experiences, and observations.
Though this post is simply an introduction to my new site, it happens to come at the same time we are celebrating the new year. Since 2019 is just beginning, I've spent a lot of time reflecting on last year. 2018 flew by as one of the best and most challenging years yet. I finished up high school and walked across the stage at graduation with a heart full of thankfulness for my friendships, classmates, teachers, and memories that will last a lifetime. Keeping busy over the summer, I drove between my job, an internship, and countless hang-outs with my friends. In the fall, I began my first semester of college, complete with new friendships, homesickness, independence, and lots of transition. 2018 has taught me much and for that I am grateful, but I am also excited for what this new year will bring. I've never been one to make new year's resolutions, but I decided to make a list of personal goals for 2019 which I share below. These goals will be helpful for me because I can refer back to them throughout the year and measure how I'm doing. Some goals are more specific and concrete while others are a bit more abstract. You'll see what I mean as you read them. I am thrilled to experience what this year has for me and for this website!
2019 Goals
Abide: set aside specific time to have deep, meaningful devotions; spend more time in prayer.
Run: train for and run a half marathon this year! 13.1 miles!!
Write: schedule writing time each week and use it as a creative outlet.
Blog: at least two posts a month.
Focus: be willing to set aside distractions to accomplish school work efficiently.
Read: less screen time, more page time. A great writer must also be a great reader.
Rejoice: find joy each day, in the little things. "The joy of the Lord is your strength" (Nehemiah 8:10).
Step: move ahead and don't dwell too much on the past. See every day as a new opportunity and a new adventure.
Talk: meet new people, develop deep, meaningful relationships.
Fight: fight for what matters -- friendships, family, faith, ideas, creativity.
Eat: to live a healthy lifestyle, eat well and drinks lots of water.
Pour: pour into others -- those around me, those younger, those in need of encouragement.
Live: this life is beautiful and each day is a gift from God; live in the freedom found in Christ.
Scripture for the year
(I always choose a few verses to focus on each year)
You have turned for me my mourning into dancing;
you have loosed my sackcloth
and clothed me with gladness,
that my glory may sing your praise and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever!
Psalm 30:11-12